We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to our tra­di­tio­nal restau­rant LOBE­WEIN.

E[/]llmau at the foot of the Kai­ser Moun­ta­ins is known for its lei­su­re acti­vi­ties and is one of the most attrac­ti­ve tou­rist resorts in Tyrol.
Our tra­di­tio­nal restau­rant LOBE­WEIN in the vil­la­ge cen­ter of Ell­mau offers you a varie­ty of culina­ry delights.

We will spoil you with tra­di­tio­nal home coo­king, regio­nal spe­cial­ties, des­serts and vege­ta­ri­an deli­ca­ci­es.
We always stri­ve to ful­fill your wis­hes and offer you a plea­sant stay at the Gast­haus LOBE­WEIN.


Brow­se through our menu and let your tas­te buds take the lead

© 2024 Copy­right Gast­haus Lobe­wein


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